Friday, 1 June 2012

31st may 2012

Today Grahame decided to drive the car towards Paris. Well I chose Saint Denis Railway Station which I thought was on the ring road of Paris. Thank goodness for GPS. We wended up one station for Gare Du Nord- Paris station and parked the car there for EUR 23.50 all day. We walked out of the station and across the road and followed the yellow bus down the street. WE walked a long way down the street. Everywhere there are bicycle hubs where you can hire a bike for 1half and hour to a week. You have to put up EUR 150 deposit on your credit card for each bike . Unfortunately you need 1 credit card per bike. That we don't have 4 credit cards - so no bikes. We walked along the streets that we thought the yellow bus went down , but alas , i did my father garry and got us lost again..... but no worries mate... gues what I found. We walked down the fashion backstrip of Paris. All the retail shops and export shops of clothes piled high in boxes and hanging up. A bit like Alexandria's Mc Evoy Street and outlet shopping. But we all know Grahame , and no luck in stopping or shopping. We roughly had an idea of where to walk , so next adventure was we chose a street to went down it. We headed into Bastile Suburb and what did we find..... cafes and coffee shops and shoes shoes shoes...... right down towards the Bastile Maonument called Juliet - remebering the war dead from 1730 and the Opera PLace at Bastille. This suburb is also bounded by eight huge buildings of which were guarding the square and housed prisoners etc and the palace.
we have been taking baquets and chocolate croissants from breakfast where we are staying for lunch. We sat on the steps of the Opera Place and ate lunch and what should appear but the yellow bus. WE found it. The yellow bus changed colours on the window to Blue. We are now going on another route of Paris. This bus heads towards Notre Damme and we changed busses again there for the Orange Bus. The orange bus took at to the Catacombes. The Catacombes are the remains of the dead that were dug up in Paris from 1700 onwards and placed in tunnels underneath paris at the suburb of Montparnasse.  Please open this link to read all about the burial site . You would not know this was in the street. A plain green building looking like a tomb, we only figured it out when we saw a line up of people. It was amazing !!!!

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