Saturday, 21 July 2012

Bari to Salerno via amalfi cost road to sorrento Italy 15/7

So we had a lively breakfast this morning at the hotel president Giovinazzo , Bari - the boys said , although Tristan wanted Vegemite toast . The waiters were young guys who were friendly and we gave them some Vegemite to try . They ran straight to the water tap after trying a small bit on their fingers . Then they put a huge piece on bread and were going to tease housekeeping . A good laugh for all this morning . Kieran and Tristan enjoyed swimming in the pool there whilst we packed the car . The gps has us going to sorrento via Salerno . Can't believe all the olive trees on the sides of the road . Fields and fields everywhere . Eventually we spotted farming land and towns on top and down one sides of mountains . Last night we went to giovinazzo for a very late dinner . Like 1045 pm eating pizza . There were fireworks and a huge gathering in the town square and by the sea . We were amazed . So many people so many pizza shops !!!Bbc news have said that it's a heat wave at the moment in the southern meditterean and Adriatic and we can't believe the temperature is 40 deg c outside . Can't believe it's only 2.5 hours to cross Italy on the autostrada from Bari on the Adriatic sea to Naples on the meditterean sea . We continued on and follow the amalfi coast signs and wind our way along the skinny road . Really it's no wider than our own street at home . There are lots of mirrors on bends to see if cars or busses are coming . People riding the motorbikes are crazy . They beep you and overtake on blind corners . We did laugh - the sign says ' give way to overtaking traffic' the whole way along the amalfi coast road . The villages are packed with sun chairs and umbrellas. It's a beautiful day . the sea is a shade darker blue than the sky . Our temperature is reading 33 deg c . We found our way to sorrento which was 13 kms from positano . All these towns are so close to each other . We went to find a supermarket but it's Sunday . So we found a shop , stopped in a bus zone and got drinks etc . These Italian drivers either are idiots and no brains or just have no fear and good hospital insurance . Can't wait to go for a swim . Our accommodation in cabins at the camping place isn't what the photo showed that we booked . All clean just smaller abd no lounge . For 4 days this will do ! The boys met a boy Cameron from Scotland he is 10 . So they are going to play together ! Had no idea that sorrento is on cliffs overlooking the coast to Pompeii and Naples . It's very busy here - just plain crazy busy !!! Need a drink to stop the craziness !!! Oh year clicked over 8000 kms . Car still going well . No bumps or scratches . Great driving by Grahame today .

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